Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Home Straight

Only five weeks in and we can see the finishing line already. The winter lounge has the floor tiled, all electrics in and the fireplace installed and bricked in ready for plastering. This visit also saw the upstairs bathroom nearing completion, all tiled and plumbed in so I expect to be christening the plumbing next time round. The kitchen units and worktops are all assembled and awaiting the doors and drawers I am having made in Vejer by a local carpenter in solid pine.

We travelled up en masse, Jane, myself, Emily and Robin (Janes two kids) to spend a few days at the cortijo as Dave had taken a few days off to pick up his girlfriend. Also Daniel and his team were taking a well deserved two week break after slaving 10 hour days over the last month in the Almerian heat. The progress has been amazing to say the least. I knew it wasn't a major reform but even so there was quite a lot of renovation involved, plumbing, electrics, roofing, rendering, plastering and tiling and fitting a new bathroom and kitchen. All has been achieved without any major screwups or friction which is relatively unheard of in this line of work, and I think by the early part of Sept the work will be complete with the addition of the pergola lounging area and gravelled patio. Then I will get the bank in to revalue the house and pull out some equity.

Strolling and clambering around behind the house with Robin we checked out the trees and plants which was interesting. Above the house I have two almond trees and and some giant cacti, in the patio there is the orange tree and grapevine blooming whilst over the road from the house on a small piece of land I own there are three olive trees, a passionfruit plant and just outside my boundary a huge fig tree. Across the way is a communal allotment where you can help yourself to lemons, olives and oranges. It is a muccho tranquilo spot here with very friendly neighbours, peaceful and subdued with all your needs catered for in nearby Albox town or the very Spanish town of Oria 5 mins drive out of the hamlet. As I said to Jane it is very near perfect but a shame we couldnt uproot the house to the campo in that would be perfection. Also this area is populated by predominatley Spanish with the odd sprinkling of retired ex pats but not too many young, vibrant personalities..apart from Dave and Sue and their Rambla Social and Cinema Club. Of course there could be other people in and around here that I just havent met yet. We shall see. As an investment here it makes sense although the house wont make a fortune it has been good to click the old grey matter into gear to bring a neglected house back to its former glory..and then some!

The plan is to sit on the house till next Spring and after planting some flora and fauna it should look pretty as a picture for a prospective buyer, although at this stage with the kids running round enjoying the space and comfort it feels very homely. Still a good idea to find another property with a bit more land though to get in some creative gardening and reformation as the prices here are still very keen. We shall see...again.